Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

Here is a cave troll to help keep your New Years resolutions on track in the new year. You see, if you don't, the cave troll will crush you. Yikes!

Well, maybe he won't... Have a safe and Happy New Year!

Is it a real photo of an iPod?

Well, no... this is not a photograph.

I was going through some old graphic files and came along this. I created this a year ago or so with Macromedia Fireworks (or shall we say Adobe now?). It was just a sample I created to show that Fireworks can do more then create web graphics. I do all of my web graphics with this program. It is a great application. I like it so much, I have a downloads/tutorial site about it and how to use it.

If I would have passed this off as a real photo of an iPod, would you have believed it? Just curious...


It was a windy day out and my daughter was happy to allow me to take a few snapshots.

Eiteljorg Museum

Eiteljorg Museum
Photograph of the Eiteljorg Museum - Downtown Indianapolis

Friday, December 30, 2005


A tree not far from my home. The tree seemed to want to smother the other trees.

The Pink Flamingo...

A photo taken on a famliy trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.

Digging up the past...

As mentioned in a previous post, I brought back many photos from the family visit to the Indiana State Museum. This is apart of another exibit that showcases Indiana's history and it's extreme past.

The photo illustrates Archaeologists excavating Indiana's past.

Time still by my side...

This is a very cool looking "Steam Clock". As the name implies, it runs on steam only. It is located at the Indiana State Museum just out side the entrance from the White River Canal.

I took the family to the museum yesterday and this was one of many photos I brought back from our visit.

The museum was also hosting "The Lord of the Rings" exibit. Unfortunately, no photography was allowed in the exibit. I wish I could have, some truely amazing craftsmenship was shown, from trinkets to miniature buildings were present. Not to mention the gear/clothing they wore filming the movies. It was amazing.

My Daughter

A candid of my daughter. This was taken about a year ago in our home. For the life of me, I can not remember what made her laugh so hard. Well... outside of goofy dad (really i'm cool though) practicing his photography.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Canal in Indianapolis...

This is a recent photo I took in downtown Indy. It is a portion of the White River Canal close to the government complex and the Indiana State Museum.

Links Added...

I have added some links along the right column. I will continue to add as I find sites I think you might enjoy.

Backyard Nature

This was taken a few days ago from the back porch. Several geese were hanging about and I got a few snapshots in. Living in the west side of Indianapolis, you don't get much else showing up at your back door.

Time stands still...

Took this photo about a year ago. I was experimenting with photographing objects up close. This was a personal favorite from that shoot.

The pocket watch was a gift I received from my mother several years ago.

Angel wings with flash...

This photo was just me goofing around and trying out my new Canon Speedlite 580 EX flash. I really like it. Before I was just using the built in flash on my DSLR. The built in flash is fairly weak. Especially when bouncing the light.

I am a geek...

iTunes & iPod
Was just buying some tunes for my iPod on iTunes (got the iPod Video for X-mas). Is this not the greatest invention or what? I wonder how long it will be before movies will be available for purchase on iTunes.

In anycase, a while back I took snapshots of some of my favorite websites. Here is a sample of one of them. "iTunes + iPod"

Incase you are wondering, I just purchased "Danzig". Good stuff.

Big Bear

This was taken last year at the Indianapolis Zoo. I liked this photo due to the bear looking directly at me as I took it. I remember thinking... "Wow... Imagine walking into a bear in the wild this close up. What would the bear do? What would I do?".

Sweet Leaf

This photo was taken at University Park in Indianapolis. My daughter found it while walking and asked me to take a picture of it. This was the result.

Late... Bedtime for me...

Last post before I hit the sack.... This one was taken at the White River Gardens in Indianapolis. I have no special name for it. So, lets just call it... "Orchid".


First Post


Today's image is a photo I took from the back porch. It is the smoke trail from an airliner. I processed this with Adobe Photoshop Elements. This is when I first received my DSLR camera.

I call the photo "Threat" as it feels uninviting and cold.