This was taken a few days ago from the back porch. Several geese were hanging about and I got a few snapshots in. Living in the west side of Indianapolis, you don't get much else showing up at your back door.
This photo was just me goofing around and trying out my new Canon Speedlite 580 EX flash. I really like it. Before I was just using the built in flash on my DSLR. The built in flash is fairly weak. Especially when bouncing the light.
Was just buying some tunes for my iPod on iTunes (got the iPod Video for X-mas). Is this not the greatest invention or what? I wonder how long it will be before movies will be available for purchase on iTunes.
In anycase, a while back I took snapshots of some of my favorite websites. Here is a sample of one of them. "iTunes + iPod"
Incase you are wondering, I just purchased "Danzig". Good stuff.
This was taken last year at the Indianapolis Zoo. I liked this photo due to the bear looking directly at me as I took it. I remember thinking... "Wow... Imagine walking into a bear in the wild this close up. What would the bear do? What would I do?".
Last post before I hit the sack.... This one was taken at the White River Gardens in Indianapolis. I have no special name for it. So, lets just call it... "Orchid".
Today's image is a photo I took from the back porch. It is the smoke trail from an airliner. I processed this with Adobe Photoshop Elements. This is when I first received my DSLR camera.
I call the photo "Threat" as it feels uninviting and cold.